【英國】 英倫扮工室 VIII

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2017-08-18 01:11:38
如果second low畢業,係英國會唔會好難找工

本身我以為自己得second up,CV上面寫2:1冇乜回音
2017-08-18 01:14:07
如果second low畢業,係英國會唔會好難找工

cambridge 2.2 = 其他u 2.1 =雞校1st
2017-08-18 01:25:04
如果second low畢業,係英國會唔會好難找工

cambridge 2.2 = 其他u 2.1 =雞校1st

然後見到first on狗衝請左
2017-08-18 01:25:29

Go and apply for JSA at your local job centre.

JSA 搞都有排搞(我估),同埋真係唔撚夠

Start the process ASAP and having JSA is better than having nothing!

true 聽日睇下佢比咩offer 先

self employed offer

時薪大min pay 10p


嘩 你而家先覺呀 ?
2017-08-18 01:28:58
如果second low畢業,係英國會唔會好難找工

cambridge 2.2 = 其他u 2.1 =雞校1st

我驚因為非英國本地u 個hon可能重差過原本
Thanks for answering
2017-08-18 01:33:14
如果second low畢業,係英國會唔會好難找工

cambridge 2.2 = 其他u 2.1 =雞校1st

我驚因為非英國本地u 個hon可能重差過原本
Thanks for answering

Another point - what subject you are studying in university?

If you are getting an engineering or medical professional degree, then the chances of you getting a job in the UK are higher.
2017-08-18 01:36:25
如果second low畢業,係英國會唔會好難找工

cambridge 2.2 = 其他u 2.1 =雞校1st

我驚因為非英國本地u 個hon可能重差過原本
Thanks for answering

Another point - what subject you are studying in university?

If you are getting an engineering or medical professional degree, then the chances of you getting a job in the UK are higher.

我讀緊electronic eng. 諗住找IT related 既工
2017-08-18 01:42:59
如果second low畢業,係英國會唔會好難找工

cambridge 2.2 = 其他u 2.1 =雞校1st

然後見到first on狗衝請左

2.2 文科表示食屎
2017-08-18 01:48:25
窮撚去iceland 買嘢食先
2017-08-18 01:52:52
窮撚去iceland 買嘢食先

2017-08-18 01:59:06
如果second low畢業,係英國會唔會好難找工

cambridge 2.2 = 其他u 2.1 =雞校1st

我驚因為非英國本地u 個hon可能重差過原本
Thanks for answering

Another point - what subject you are studying in university?

If you are getting an engineering or medical professional degree, then the chances of you getting a job in the UK are higher.

我讀緊electronic eng. 諗住找IT related 既工

Have a look at the UK's shortage occupation list below -


2124 Electronics Engineers - Only the following jobs in this occupation code:

The following jobs in the railway industry:

signalling design manager
signalling design engineer
signalling principles
senior signalling design
signalling design checker
signalling systems
Specialist electronics engineer in the automotive manufacturing and design industry

2133 IT specialist managers - Only the following job in this occupation code:

IT product manager employed by a qualifying company, where the job requires a person with a minimum of five years’ relevant experience and demonstrable experience of having led a team.

2135 IT business analysts, architects and systems designers - Only the following jobs in this occupation code:

systems engineer in visual effects and 2D/3D computer animation for the film, television or video games sectors

data scientist employed by a qualifying company, where the job requires a person with a minimum of five years’ relevant experience and demonstrable experience of having led a team.

2136 Programmers and software development professionals - Only the following jobs in this occupation code:

Senior developer employed by a qualifying company, where the job requires a person with a minimum of five years’ relevant experience and demonstrable experience of having led a team.

The following jobs in visual effects and 2D/3D computer animation for the film, television or video games sectors:

software developer
shader writer
games designer
The following jobs in the electronics system industry:
driver developer
embedded communications engineer

2139 Information technology and communications professionals not elsewhere classified - Only the following job in this occupation code:

Cyber security specialist employed by a qualifying company, where the job requires a person with a minimum of five years’ relevant experience and demonstrable experience of having led a team.
2017-08-18 02:28:50
2017-08-18 03:05:26

You need to remember that the UK shortage occupation list can change and UK immigration rules are not getting any easier!
2017-08-18 03:33:24
有無巴打係bioscience grad完之後留到係英國做野?
2017-08-18 06:49:37
想問大家有冇慳租既秘訣 住倫敦真係鬼到想死


我讀大學係d town真係好好住,唔得啦,我sponsor 個公司係London

which town

總之讀大學個時個town仔又細,冇比過交通費,支出只有衣食住,人又少,d野又平, 倫敦唔_係人住真心
2017-08-18 14:57:50
leaked ep06好似咁低清

2017-08-18 15:00:41
2017-08-18 15:01:03
leaked ep06好似咁低清


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